Monday 11 January 2016

Planning: Target Audience Feedback

We used survey monkey to get feedback for our horror movie from our target audience. These are nine questions that helped us understand our target audience expectations for any horror. By creating this, it will allow us, when filming and planning,  to understand what our target audience would like to see in our horror opening.

The results from the first question of our survey shown that 100% of the people we asked were 16-19, our target audience. As you can see below, we asked open question, so when we get the feedback, their answers were explained in more detail; they could truly express their opinions.

From this question on our survey it allows out target audience to give us feedback and their opinion on what they feel what should be in a horror opening. How this helps us is to use the ideas in which they want and what they interest with a horror film.

From this question it allows us to understand what type of horror film they like. For when planning out our opening this helped us by allowing us to understand which genre of horror they like and prefer.

From this question it allows us to interpret what they think scares them and we can include it when in the opening.

This question in our survey is so we can include what our target audience wants or if they don't want it purely just for their opinion.

By us doing this question it allows us to have an insight of what our target audience want to see in an opening film and what they would do if they were to create one.

This question allows us to understand the location which our target audience wants and we can act on their opinion when planning out the location later on.
This question is to allow us to see overall how our target audience how they feel about our movie opening pitch.

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