Saturday 30 January 2016

Planning: Filming Schedule

Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th February 2016
Everyone will be need to attend all three days for filming. We might not need to film on  the Wednesday, but this day free just incase we needed to re film or carry on filming. 

  • Torturing tools
  • Wood
  • Three two man tents
  • Rope
  • A Lighter 
  • Two or more cameras

Every characters has costume, Chad, Jodie, Billy, Tim and 'The Girl in White'. 

One of our group members Mea, is bring her make-up case full of SFX make-up that we might be using for some scenes. 

Shot list:
We will bring the shot list that is a list of each shots/scenes that show what will be taken, where it is taken and who is in the scene. 

Notes will be taken before and during the filming prices. Generally for noting characters positions, shot angles, props advise, tips and anything else that might be note worthy. 

Risk Assessment:

We will need to asses any dangers that might come about during or after the filming. 
E.g. Fire will be lit so we need to make sure that the fire is a safe distance from the actors and the equipment, so we will bring a bucket of water incase any major fire happens. Thought-out the filming process we will have to make sure that no-one hurts there self with anything around them and if they do we will have an adults phone number just incase we need help. 

The Extra precautions we will need to consider is:

  • Does anyone have a serious medical condition?
  • Extra clothing
  • The weather conditions
  • Safety of others
  • Wild Life

Roles to be taken:
  1. Filming the opening shots
  2. Filming the process of production
  3. Prompting the actors- Guideline movements/acting
  4. Preparing props for use
  5. Sound editor- Editing and analysing correct filming and sound distributions
  6. Lighting- Someone checking the light for filming is correct.

Who will take on these roles:

Role: Number 4 and Number 2

Mea knows who to do SFX make-up and collecting/ sorting out the equipment and props needed.

Role: Number 1 and Number 6

Hannah knows how to work and camera in any environment.

Role: Number 3

Rachel knows how acting should be done in a professional stander due to being a drama student.

Role: Number 5

Taylor is a music student so she knows how to use the software.

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