Saturday 7 May 2016

The Girl in White Evaluation

This is the completed version of the opening titles for 'The Girl In White'.

This is the Preliminary Task

Friday 6 May 2016

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Construction: Green Screen and Sound Effects

In our opening we have found and inserted a green screen clip from YouTube and are using it in our opening which is shown in the screenshots below. we chose to add the recording clip to make are opening seem as it is self recorded. When we searched for the clip we had to make sure that it was green so when we edited the clip it would go within the layers. this left us with the filming frame we

This is a screen shot of the recording of the green screen which has been embedded onto the computer ready to be imported on premiere pro.

In this screenshot we have placed the green screen on top of the self recording footage.

 This is what the footage looks like when the green screen has been placed over the video.

This is an edit with the sound and the green screen added. The next step is to add the titles. 

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Construction: Evidence of Raw footage

This is the raw footage for our first edit. These are screenshots to show the different stages within our editing process. This was before adding any effects or sound. These screenshots show the clips are a rough cut towards the final product.

The overall footage turned out to be of a decent quality and clear. We used a canon 1200D DSLR with a 15-35mm lens as well as a Manfrotto compact advanced tripod to steady the shots. When it came to filming, to create the effect that our characters were holding the camera themselves, we made sure their hands were near the camera, as though they were holding the camera. Once of us would be holding onto the camera ensuring their face(s) were in the shot. 


Monday 4 April 2016

Construction: Evidence of Filming Taking Place

Behind the scenes 

These are the behind the scene photos which were taking during the filming process. These include us, the crew, setting up the sets; directing the actors/actresses, directing them on their mise-en-scene (make-up) and locations of where they will act.

1) These are pictures to show the filming process and how the camera was set up on the tripod to get a steady camera shot.

2) These pictures show Mea doing Alice makeup for the character she is playing. This is what 'the girl in white' make up looked like after Mea had finished. 

3) These photographs were taken by Hannah showing mea setting up the finishing touches to certain scenes.


4) Here is a short video of the bloopers we gathered for the uncut footage from the film. 

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Planning: Testing Out Filming Before Main Task

This was a test to get acquainted with the camera before we filmed our main task. When it comes
to filming we be sure that the right setting are applied to the camera to get a good quality of raw footage which will be good not only for when looking back on, but also when in the editing process.

Saturday 30 January 2016

Planning: Filming Schedule

Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th February 2016
Everyone will be need to attend all three days for filming. We might not need to film on  the Wednesday, but this day free just incase we needed to re film or carry on filming. 

  • Torturing tools
  • Wood
  • Three two man tents
  • Rope
  • A Lighter 
  • Two or more cameras

Every characters has costume, Chad, Jodie, Billy, Tim and 'The Girl in White'. 

One of our group members Mea, is bring her make-up case full of SFX make-up that we might be using for some scenes. 

Shot list:
We will bring the shot list that is a list of each shots/scenes that show what will be taken, where it is taken and who is in the scene. 

Notes will be taken before and during the filming prices. Generally for noting characters positions, shot angles, props advise, tips and anything else that might be note worthy. 

Risk Assessment:

We will need to asses any dangers that might come about during or after the filming. 
E.g. Fire will be lit so we need to make sure that the fire is a safe distance from the actors and the equipment, so we will bring a bucket of water incase any major fire happens. Thought-out the filming process we will have to make sure that no-one hurts there self with anything around them and if they do we will have an adults phone number just incase we need help. 

The Extra precautions we will need to consider is:

  • Does anyone have a serious medical condition?
  • Extra clothing
  • The weather conditions
  • Safety of others
  • Wild Life

Roles to be taken:
  1. Filming the opening shots
  2. Filming the process of production
  3. Prompting the actors- Guideline movements/acting
  4. Preparing props for use
  5. Sound editor- Editing and analysing correct filming and sound distributions
  6. Lighting- Someone checking the light for filming is correct.

Who will take on these roles:

Role: Number 4 and Number 2

Mea knows who to do SFX make-up and collecting/ sorting out the equipment and props needed.

Role: Number 1 and Number 6

Hannah knows how to work and camera in any environment.

Role: Number 3

Rachel knows how acting should be done in a professional stander due to being a drama student.

Role: Number 5

Taylor is a music student so she knows how to use the software.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Planning - Producing A Shot List

Shot list:

Shot type
Establishing shot

High crane shot above the campsite.
Establishing shot

Moving towards the camp.
High angle shot
Picking up camera from floor.
Mid shot
Tim and Chad
Conversation between the 2 actors about the camera dropping.
Close up
Tim blowing and wiping the dirt of the camera
Panning shot
Tim, Chad, Allison, Billy and Jodie.
Panning around the group and people saying stop in a jokey manner.
High angle
Tim showing his shoes while walking.
Point of view
Tim, Chad, Allison, Billy and Jodie.
Time showing the camera around the campsite.
Close up
Tim zoomed into her face.
Close up
 Tim, Chad, Allison, Billy and Jodie.
Tim starting a fire and everyone else setting up the tents in the background.
 Close up

 Fire lit
 Close up
 Allison, Tim and Jodie
 Realizing that Chad has gone missing and having a conversation about going to look for him.
 Long shot
 Tim and Jodie
Camera pointing through the woods but occasionally at Jodie.
Long angle

 Starting getting darker and not sure whether to go back or not.
Long shot

 Of woods to show that they are still walking.
 High angle
 Tim and Jodie
 Both start panicking and run back to camp. See their shoes and blurry trees.
 Point of view
 Point of view shot through Tim’s eyes as he falls over.
 Point of view
 Slowing blinking and hearing Jodie loud high pitch voice but she isn’t in sight.
Long shot
 The girl in white (TGIW)
 TGIW starts getting closer to.
Close up
Getting closer
 Mid shot
TGIW and Tim
Looking over Tim
 Close up
TGIW and Tim
Hitting Tim until he is unconscious
 Panning shot
 Tim, Chad, Allison, Billy and Jodie.
 Panning shot of all the groups face when they are unconscious tied up along the tree.
 High angle
 Recording her feet walking up to them all tied to the tree.
 High angle
 Recording all her tools laid out on the bed.
 High angle             

 Hearing the girls screaming

Point of view
TGIW, Tim, Chad, Allison, Billy and Jodie.
Get interrupted
Point of view
Tim, Chad, Allison, Billy and Jodie.
Showing them all tied up to the trees
Point of view
Tim, Chad, Allison, Billy and Jodie.
TGIW speaks latin to them
Mid shot

Panning around the room towards the tv
Mid shot

The news report on the tv showing the girl.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Planning - Considering Mise-en-Scene For Your Opening



John would wear a tight fitting white T-shirt to outline his muscles 
and dark blue jeans with fashionable trainers. He would carry a jacket or jumper and wear it occasionally. 

The reason for this choice in clothes is we think that it outlines his personality and shows that he is obsess with his appearance. 

White T-shirt

Dark blue jeans

    Nike trainers

    Grey jumper

      • Allison

      For Allison she would wear a bright coloured crop top with either high waisted jeans/leggings 
      with fashionable trainers or flats. She hardly wears a jacket but if she does she would wear a bland cardigan and she would wear a simple pretty choker or little necklace.

      We chosen these items as it makes her look cute and flirty. It also turns her into a typical 
      looking tacky teenager girl. 

      Bright coloured crop top

      Black high waisted jeans





      • Billy

      Billy's clothes would be a big dull coloured jacket with baggy/lose dark blue jeans and some simple trainers.

      The reason for this is that Billy's clothes need to be baggy and boring to make a chilled out look to represent his personality.

      Big dull jacket

      Baggy dark jeans

      Basic trainers



      • Jodie

      Jodie's clothes would be a checked shirt, glasses, band T-shirt, black leggings, conserves or docs and long hippie necklaces and bracelets.

      We have chosen these clothes because it highlights that she is geeky, urban and chilled.

      Checked shirt


      Band T-shirts


      Black leggings

      Black docs

      Long hippie necklaces and bracelets


      • Tim

      Tim would wear something smart but casual like beige trousers, camping boots, black opened top and a beanie.

      The reason for these chose of clothes was to express Tim's personality of being a smart and kind lad.

      Beige trousers

      Camping boots

      Black opened top


      • 'The Girl in White'

      The girl will be wearing a white vintage looking nightgown.

      The reason for this is to highlight that she has ran away 
      and that she is a scary little girl.

      White nightgown







      We need:
      • A pair of glasses
      The reason we need glasses is for the character Jodie to make her vintage image stand out more.   

      • Torturing tools
      We need these props as without them there wouldn't be any clear reason to what  'The girl in white' is going to do to the group of teenagers.

      • Wood
      Wood is going to be used to make fire for one of the night time scenes.


      • Three tents
      One tent is for john and Allison another tent is for Billy and Jodie and the third is for Tim. The tents makes the audience believe that there are camping and staying in the woods in the middle of nowhere. 


      • TV
      The TV is going to be used at the end of the film to show the news clip 20 years later. 


      • Ropes
      The ropes will be used to tie up all the group to the trees to highlight that they have been kidnapped and about to be murdered and eaten by 'The girl in white'



      • Laptop
      We need the laptop to connect to the TV to show the news clip that we would have made. Without this we wouldn't be able to show the news story. 


        • Car/Van
        When we go to film we would need a car or van to take us there and back from locations, if not then we wouldn't be able to get to our destination in one trip. 


        • Two cameras
        We might just need one camera but we will bring two just in case one of the cameras runs out of battery or we need to film one thing at to different angles at once. 


        • Lighter
        The lighter will be used to make the fire and without it we would struggle making the fire for the night time scene. 


        • Drone
        A drone can be used to film an establishing shot from a very high point in the sky. If we can use one then this would make the establishing shot look more professional and interesting. 


        • Gopro
        Just like the drone we can use the Gopro to film a certain height to make the shot look more intriguing but to also show the audience that the group is camping in the middle of nowhere and this highlights the danger. 
