Wednesday 20 April 2016

Construction: Green Screen and Sound Effects

In our opening we have found and inserted a green screen clip from YouTube and are using it in our opening which is shown in the screenshots below. we chose to add the recording clip to make are opening seem as it is self recorded. When we searched for the clip we had to make sure that it was green so when we edited the clip it would go within the layers. this left us with the filming frame we

This is a screen shot of the recording of the green screen which has been embedded onto the computer ready to be imported on premiere pro.

In this screenshot we have placed the green screen on top of the self recording footage.

 This is what the footage looks like when the green screen has been placed over the video.

This is an edit with the sound and the green screen added. The next step is to add the titles. 

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Construction: Evidence of Raw footage

This is the raw footage for our first edit. These are screenshots to show the different stages within our editing process. This was before adding any effects or sound. These screenshots show the clips are a rough cut towards the final product.

The overall footage turned out to be of a decent quality and clear. We used a canon 1200D DSLR with a 15-35mm lens as well as a Manfrotto compact advanced tripod to steady the shots. When it came to filming, to create the effect that our characters were holding the camera themselves, we made sure their hands were near the camera, as though they were holding the camera. Once of us would be holding onto the camera ensuring their face(s) were in the shot. 


Monday 4 April 2016

Construction: Evidence of Filming Taking Place

Behind the scenes 

These are the behind the scene photos which were taking during the filming process. These include us, the crew, setting up the sets; directing the actors/actresses, directing them on their mise-en-scene (make-up) and locations of where they will act.

1) These are pictures to show the filming process and how the camera was set up on the tripod to get a steady camera shot.

2) These pictures show Mea doing Alice makeup for the character she is playing. This is what 'the girl in white' make up looked like after Mea had finished. 

3) These photographs were taken by Hannah showing mea setting up the finishing touches to certain scenes.


4) Here is a short video of the bloopers we gathered for the uncut footage from the film.